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How to Make Angelica Mouthwash

Posted by Ghani Thursday, December 10, 2009 0 comments

How to Make Angelica Mouthwash

Angelica is renowned for its ability to freshen breath. Its sweetness blends perfectly in this easy-to-make mouthwash.


* 2 1/2 cups boiling water
* 2 tbsp angelica seeds


1. Place the angelica seeds into a bowl and pour the boiling water over the top.
2. Leave to infuse for as long as it takes the water to cool completely.
3. Strain the liquid into a glass jar. Seal the jar.
4. Use. Use as a mouthwash day and night.


* Other herbs can be added to taste, such as caraway seeds, peppermint leaves, lemon verbena leaves etc. Be sure that whatever you add is safe for you.

Things You'll Need

* Bowl
* Glass jar with lid, clean


How to Improve Your Skin With Only Herbal Products

Posted by Ghani Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to Improve Your Skin With Only Herbal Products

Herbal products have minimal chemicals in them. They are the best to make the skin lighter, clearer and softer. Here is how to use them:


1. Put plain, chilled yogurt onto your face for fifteen minutes, then wash it off with milk and water. This can lighten your skin in the long-term.
2. Wash your face with seaweeed soap. Do not rub the bar of soap directly on your skin, as the few chemicals it may have can get to you easier this way. Instead, rub the bar onto wet hands and rub your hands together until they form bubbles of the soap. Massage the bubbles onto your face, and rinse off with medium-temperature water.
3. Use an apricot exfoliator-follow the directions on the container or simply massage it onto your face. Keep massaging until your face gently burns, you know now that the exfoliater is working. Rinse your face carefully.
4. With your hands or a cotton ball/soft pad, apply a lemon toner onto your face gently but equally. When your face feels refreshed, move on to the next step.
5. Use a moisturizer and put it on your face and neck with upward motion. Massage it in, especially on red, dry spots.


* Buying the products from a vitamin shop will convey that they are probably made of more herbs than of chemicals.
* Do this until you have soft, fair skin.


* If side effects persist, stop use.
* Don't get anything into your eyes and flush them with cold water if contact does occur.
* Pat your face dry with a towel, rubbing can increase dryness.


How to Do Zazen

Posted by Ghani Tuesday, December 8, 2009 0 comments

How to Do Zazen

Meditation is a simple practice that has been used as a means to develop mental calm and concentration, as well as spiritual insight, for thousands of years. Modern day doctors are now prescribing meditation as a way of coping with the stress, anxiety, depression and anger. There are many approaches to Zen meditation. The approach taught here comes from the Japanese Zen school of Buddhism. It is called zazen which means “sitting meditation.” Alternatively, it can be referred to as shikantaza or “just sitting.” 1. Set aside 10-45 minutes where you will be undisturbed. Zazen can be done at any time, although it is particularly helpful first thing in the morning or before going to bed. Find as quiet a room as possible, and set aside at least 20 minutes of time for practice. Turn off all your cell phones, pagers, televisions, iPods and computers so as not to be disturbed. Let others in the house know that you need some time to be by yourself.
2. Sit on your cushion or chair. If you are using a cushion, rest your buttocks on the cushion and cross your legs out in front of you. You can sit cross-legged or in either full-lotus or half-lotus position. The cushion should help tilt your pelvis slightly forward and down so that your lumbar vertebrae can come to their natural curvature. You may find it helpful to sway gently back-and-forth and from side-to-side to find a centered position. You should feel balanced on your "sit bones."
3. If you have chosen to use a chair, simply sit with your buttocks as far back on the chair as possible so that you feel supported by the back of the chair. It is best to spread your legs out as much as is comfortable to achieve a sense of stability.
4. In either position, you should feel stable and dignified. Your posture should be balanced to allow your breath to flow freely deep down to the diaphragm.
5. Sit facing a plain, unadorned wall. Your eyes should be open, but with a relaxed gaze so that you are looking forward and down. Rest your hands on your lap. You can rest either your left hand in your right, or right hand in your left. Both are acceptable. Touch your thumbs together above your fingers. This is called the “universal mudra.” Your hands should be relaxed, but stable and not too limpid.
6. Bring your awareness to your breath. Just allow the breathing to occur, without trying to change it. Stay with the sensation of breathing as a particular point: perhaps your abdomen as it moves in and out, or your nostrils as the air passes back and forth. While in the West we tend to think of initiating the breath by inhaling, the Japanese word for breathing is kokyu, a composite of two words: ko (exhalation) and kyu (inhalation). It may help to think of breathing in this way to help let go each moment.
7. Expand your awareness to the sensory feedback coming from the entirety of the body and the mental activity of thought and emotion. Ask yourself gently: “What is this? What am I experiencing right now?”
8. Notice the texture of your emotions from moment to moment. Notice the difference sensory experiences of anxiety or anger or sadness as different muscles tense or relax. Again ask: “What is this? What is happening to me right now?” Follow the flow of emotions as your breath. Notice that your emotions are only a small part of your experience.
9. Watch your thoughts as they come and go from one moment to the next, like clouds passing through the sky. Notice how each thought comes with its own set of reactions as well. You may find yourself reacting to one thought with another, or even criticizing yourself for thinking certain thoughts. Follow the flow of thoughts as you breath. Notice that your thoughts are only a small part of your experience.
10. Accept your experience just as it is. Do not judge it or try to change or escape from it. Much of time, we are out of touch with reality. We tense up when a disturbing thought arises or we dissociate and distract ourselves when an unpleasant emotion emerges. Instead, just sit with your experience as it comes and as it changes from moment to moment.
11. When you are finished with your meditation session, simply come out of sitting posture. The clarity and presence you gain from meditation will follow you as you go about your day.


Feeling a little anxious? Maybe you will find some of these mixtures soothing and able to naturally ease your symptoms of anxiety.


1. Consider the following herbs to help you:

* Melissa Officinalis. An herb native to the Mediterranean that is used throughout the world to calm the nervous system and digestive tract and to reduce blood pressure.
* Passion Flower is an herbal sedative that can give you a sense of calm and also helps you sleep better. Also, it can help you control nausea and the "butterflies in the stomach".
* Lavendula Angustifolia or lavender. It's known for its calming properties and is widely used in aromatherapy to induce relaxation. In a recent study it was found that the scent from lavender was enough to relax and relieve depression in many of the participants.
* Fennel is a popular tea in India. This herb relieves gastrointestinal upsets that are related to anxiety.
* Kava kava is an herbal remedy used to ease the symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. It's non addictive and can be taken as an infusion. Supplements (pills) usually do not work. People with liver problems are recommended to stay away from kava kava, although traditional methods of consumption are not shown to be dangerous.
* Valerian is used around the world to reduce stress and promote sleep. It's safe and non addictive.
* Chamomile is an herb used to treat mild anxiety and stress. It's also used to settle an upset stomach.
* Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen effective at treating anxiety.
* Ashwaganda has been used in India for thousands of years in ayurvedic (ancient)medicine as an anti-anxiety remedy. Chemical analysis shows that Ashwaganda contains compounds thought to have anti-stress properties.
* L-Theanine is an amino acid commonly found in tea. Because it can enter the brain, L-Theanine has psychoactive properties. L-Theanine has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress and may produce feelings of relaxation - without drowsiness.
2. A study by The American Journal of Epidemiology showed coca's usefulness in treating gastrointestinal ailments, as well as motion and altitude sickness. They found it to be a fast acting antidepressant and helpful in combating hypoglycemia and diabetes. Furthermore, coca leaves deliver healthy doses of vitamins A, C, B and E, phosphorous, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and protein.
3. Another herbal remedy for panic attack is Lemon balm. This is a general restorative for the nervous system, can assist in reducing blood pressure and help calm the digestive system.
4. If you are having problems sleeping try taking melatonin before bed. Getting poor sleep has been shown to increase anxiety.


* Many of the above herbs are hard to find locally and may need to be ordered off the Internet. would be a good starting place.
* Look for standardized extracts that contain a certain percent of the active chemicals which make the herb work.


* Always consult with your doctor before taking any natural herb or supplement. They can advise you on any issues that may arise and is also good for their medical notes in case of any adverse reactions.


How to Get Into Aromatherapy

Posted by Ghani Monday, December 7, 2009 0 comments

How to Get Into Aromatherapy

Welcome to the world of Aromatherapy. Using essential oils in daily life can promote emotional and physical health. Essential oils can be used in many ways to deliver their therapeutic effect.


Oil Burners.

Aromatherapy oil burner worked by heating a few drop of essential oils in a water bowl set above a tea light candle. Aromatherapy oil burner is the easiest way to benefit from essential oil’s scent, You also can try a simple blend to go with an oil burner. For a starter, put 6 drops of essential oil or blends to freshen up your room. Using heat destroys any therapeutic benefits of the oil. So this is for fragrance use.

Nebulizer Diffuser

Sometimes called An Electric Oil Diffuser, will allow you the ability to create many fantastic scents and expand them into the air that is throughout your home. There are many types of electric oil diffuser you can choose today. It’s the most effective and easiest way to disperse essential oils in the air. It’s recommended for emotional and mental health as well as for diseases effecting the lung, blood and the brain.
Electric Oil diffuser can break down the oils into separate molecules to make easier for the aroma to be inhaled. And once you switch it on, it will last for couple hours. Make sure your unit specifies cold air and does not use heat or vibration; that would destroy active medicinal constituents.


A Steam inhalation is commonly associated with treating respiratory illness such as colds and flu. Add about 10 drops of (eucalyptus radiata, peppermint or pine essential oils) into a bowl of hot water, then lean over the bowl and cover your head with towel for about ten minutes as you inhale. This treatment is good when you having colds.


If you want to quickly purify and freshen the air in your home, or in your office, make an aromatherapy air freshener. Fill 180 ml spray bottle with distilled water. Add 5-10 drops of the essential oil of your choice for each ounce of water. Shake well and use it to spray around the room as often as you need it. Remember to shake well before each new spray.

Aromatic Bathing

Bathing can be a pleasurable, highly relaxing experience and adding essential oils to your bathwater increases the benefits tenfold. Start by adding 6 drops of essential oils or blend into the bath water. The scents of essential oils fill the room with delightful fragrances, while essential oils enter the skin pores and relax tired muscles.


When used in massage these essential oils usually dilute with carrier oils, and then applied to the skin. With this, it is absorbed by the skin, and penetrates into the tissues of the body, your blood and the interstitial fluid. Smoothing fragrant oil into tired muscle is the most pleasurable ways to relax and unwind. It is absolutely essential that you use only oils that don't say don't use neet (undiluted) not to use internally. These are adulterated and can hurt you even if you dilute them.


This method is a fast and effective ways to speed recovery from muscular pain and strains after a rigorous workout, and a treatment for bruises, headaches, insect bites, toothache, spots and more.
Compresses can be made from adding 3 – 6 drops of essential oils or blend into one quart of warm water. Stir carefully. Soak a clean cloth in the water, rinse it and apply to the affected area. Leave it there for 15-20 minutes. Repeated as needed.


Adding essential oils in your perfume base is lot more cheaper than you bought a branded perfume which is full of chemical added. To make an aromatherapy perfume is very easy. Please visit this additional related wikihows to start your signature perfume
[Bella Mira Essential Oils] makes wonderful blends that are great for perfume.


Candle can be used to help set the atmosphere and improve the ambience in many situations. They can be used in any room of your home and provide a wonderful enhancement.
Using aromatherapy candle has a positive effect on our body and emotions. The key is in choosing the correct scent to match the emotion or sense you wish to evoke. Just FYI there are no real essential oil candles on the market. All those sold are fragrance oils. If you are looking for medicinal benefits you have to use a cold air diffuser.


  • To make a dilution essential oil for massage, you can combine 2 drops of pure essential oils with 15 ml of carrier oil.

Please always refer to safety precautions on using essential oils

How to Erase Anxiety Naturally with Herbs

Posted by Ghani Sunday, December 6, 2009 0 comments

How to Erase Anxiety Naturally with Herbs

Feeling a little anxious? Maybe you will find some of these mixtures soothing and able to naturally ease your symptoms of anxiety.


1. Consider the following herbs to help you:

* Melissa Officinalis. An herb native to the Mediterranean that is used throughout the world to calm the nervous system and digestive tract and to reduce blood pressure.
* Passion Flower is an herbal sedative that can give you a sense of calm and also helps you sleep better. Also, it can help you control nausea and the "butterflies in the stomach".
* Lavendula Angustifolia or lavender. It's known for its calming properties and is widely used in aromatherapy to induce relaxation. In a recent study it was found that the scent from lavender was enough to relax and relieve depression in many of the participants.
* Fennel is a popular tea in India. This herb relieves gastrointestinal upsets that are related to anxiety.
* Kava kava is an herbal remedy used to ease the symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. It's non addictive and can be taken as an infusion. Supplements (pills) usually do not work. People with liver problems are recommended to stay away from kava kava, although traditional methods of consumption are not shown to be dangerous.
* Valerian is used around the world to reduce stress and promote sleep. It's safe and non addictive.
* Chamomile is an herb used to treat mild anxiety and stress. It's also used to settle an upset stomach.
* Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen effective at treating anxiety.
* Ashwaganda has been used in India for thousands of years in ayurvedic (ancient)medicine as an anti-anxiety remedy. Chemical analysis shows that Ashwaganda contains compounds thought to have anti-stress properties.
* L-Theanine is an amino acid commonly found in tea. Because it can enter the brain, L-Theanine has psychoactive properties. L-Theanine has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress and may produce feelings of relaxation - without drowsiness.
2. A study by The American Journal of Epidemiology showed coca's usefulness in treating gastrointestinal ailments, as well as motion and altitude sickness. They found it to be a fast acting antidepressant and helpful in combating hypoglycemia and diabetes. Furthermore, coca leaves deliver healthy doses of vitamins A, C, B and E, phosphorous, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and protein.
3. Another herbal remedy for panic attack is Lemon balm. This is a general restorative for the nervous system, can assist in reducing blood pressure and help calm the digestive system.
4. If you are having problems sleeping try taking melatonin before bed. Getting poor sleep has been shown to increase anxiety.


* Many of the above herbs are hard to find locally and may need to be ordered off the Internet. would be a good starting place.
* Look for standardized extracts that contain a certain percent of the active chemicals which make the herb work.


* Always consult with your doctor before taking any natural herb or supplement. They can advise you on any issues that may arise and is also good for their medical notes in case of any adverse reactions.


How to Create a Poultice

Posted by Ghani Saturday, December 5, 2009 0 comments

How to Create a Poultice

A poultice is a good way to apply herbs to the skin. A poultice can be either hot or cold.


1. Chop your selected herbs . Place in a large bowl.
2. Pour water over the herbs Use hot water for a hot poultice, cold water for a cold compress.
3. Mush herb/water mixture with a wooden spoon or potato masher.
4. Scoop herbs onto a double layer of cheesecloth. Wrap the cheesecloth over the herbs to make a package.


* Make sure you know the risks and proper use of the herbs you're using!